Sunday, July 01, 2007

No More Smoky Pubs in the New Smoke-Free London

As insidious as smoking is, it has added to the ambiance of pubs in London for a few centuries. It will be interesting to see how things go with the new smoking ban that takes effect today. If the bans in Scotland and New York serve as examples, then the new law should achieve its intended result - less people dying due to cigarettes. However, an increase in home fires is a feared possibility, and an unfortunate consequence is the closing of London's shisha bars. All in all, the ban's probably a net positive. Still, the following quote by one well known smoker might be worth considering:

I think non-smokers should be barred from buying anything a smoker has created.
- Joe Strummer

Photography by Pint Champion © 2007

Need more info about the ban? Here's a Q&A from the Times Online offering Everything You Need to Know about the new smoke-free London.

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