Monday, January 21, 2008

Phil Corbett's "Erotic Terrors of the Deep" at Bodhi Gallery on Brick Lane

Erotic Terrors of the Deep
Paintings and Prints from the Brain of Phil Corbett
25-30 January 2008
Bodhi Gallery
214 Brick Lane

It's entitled 'Erotic Terrors of the Deep' but to be honest, the show isn't really that erotic, I was just being provocative to get people in, because, as we all know, sex sells. That said, the show documents the extremely sexy denizens of the deep that live out their naughty lives deep under the sea, away from human eyes. So like I say, you're not likely to find this show that titillating. But if you're into cute, very slightly suggestive animals with dark undertones and gaudy colours than this is the show for you. Probably best to bring a tissue ...

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