Thursday, August 07, 2008

Gorgeous Cheese at South Ken's La Cave à Fromage (Londonist)

An Inspirational Mountain of Gorgeous Cheese at South Ken’s La Cave à Fromage
by Chris Osburn, Food & Drink Editor
August 7, 2008

In fact, La Cave is such a yummiferous destination that when one of its regular customers neared completion of his Mount Everest ascent, he had one thing on his mind: sitting down at La Cave with a plate of cheese and glass of wine in front of him. Really. We saw said mountain climber’s photo and note he sent to the shop about this moment.

Read the complete La Cave à Fromage at Londonist.


TeamSplashi said...

Oh, we both LOVE cheese, and blue is our favorite.
Thank you for sharing with us.


ps. what is football club in London?



Wayne said...

This post reminded me of a cheese shop I stumbled upon in London. I suppose I could find it again with some searching but it's been a few years.
The shop on an small street between Bloomsbury and Convent Garden. That doesn't narrow it down very well I know.
Anyway, the shop started me because it was like something created for a movie. The clerks had staw hats (I think) and aprons. The place was small and crowded with rounds of cheese stacked up all over the place.
I'm starting to feel like I just dreamt it. Thanks for the memory Chris.